This project blogsite operates as a reference and tool for the developing Cultural and Engagement Strategy for Robert Gordon University, and which includes Public Art & the Riverside strategy for it's Garthdee Campus. The blog has been prepared by Ian Banks of appointed art consultants Atoll, and who is collaborating on the strategy with new media artist Clive Gillman and lighting consultant Reg Gove of Lightfolio. The blog is focussed not just towards the Garthdee campus and University only, but explores the context of a wider Aberdeen. In terms of confidentiality, for the moment at least the blogsite is openly accessible, but does not contain information on the strategy that is deemed sensitive. This access arangement may change.

Clive Gillman

Appendix 3 Clive Gillman

Brief description: Clive Gillman is an artist and Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts
Location: Dundee
Contact email:
Mobile phone: 01382 909900

Clive Gillman primarily works within the arts in the area of new and emerging media. From a background in fine art he works on a range of strategic arts initiatives internationally, nationally and regionally as well as producing artworks using computers and on video, in sound and using photography. He is currently the Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts, Scotland’s largest contemporary arts and media centre, leading a large staff team and a critically acclaimed programme of contemporary art, cinema and production & education activity. During a career spanning 25 years he has been active in many aspects of contemporary culture including the development of artists’ access to media resources, having set up MITES (the UK national media arts technology resource) in Liverpool in 1992, subsequently working with them as a consultant as well as working on a range of innovative research and de-velopment projects with partners such as NESTA, BT and the Tate Gallery. Prior to moving to Dundee in 2005 he worked on the development of the FACT Centre building in Liverpool, a major new arts and media centre for the city. His role involved leading on client-side design and technology procurement as well as developing a range of artists’ projects. His own art works include those which attempt to explore the possibilities of new media technologies in the public realm (Metroscopes and the Drake Street Observatory) as well as published game projects (Advent) and interventions in the public realm (Common Garden). He speaks widely on topics concerning contemporary culture, media literacy and the role of artists and has contributed to strategic development initiatives in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK.