This project blogsite operates as a reference and tool for the developing Cultural and Engagement Strategy for Robert Gordon University, and which includes Public Art & the Riverside strategy for it's Garthdee Campus. The blog has been prepared by Ian Banks of appointed art consultants Atoll, and who is collaborating on the strategy with new media artist Clive Gillman and lighting consultant Reg Gove of Lightfolio. The blog is focussed not just towards the Garthdee campus and University only, but explores the context of a wider Aberdeen. In terms of confidentiality, for the moment at least the blogsite is openly accessible, but does not contain information on the strategy that is deemed sensitive. This access arangement may change.

Creative Scotland

Creative Scotland's commitment to the people of Scotland is that it will identify, nurture and champion creative talent for the benefit of Scotland. It's Corporate Plan, Investing in Scotland's Creative Future (2011) sets out how it will do this by placing the arts, creative practice and creative practitioners at the heart of our thinking.

The 5 objectives thus established will invest in: 
  • Talent;
  • Quality Artistic Production;
  • Access, Audience Development and Participation;
  • the Cultural Economy;
  • and Places and their contribution to a creative Scotland. 
Creative Scotland also has 3 cross cutting themes of: International, Equalities and Education

Creative Scotland's Capital Programme aims to invest in cultural facilities, refurbishments, equipment and large scale public art, in order to improve the access, presentation and enjoyment of the arts and film for the population of Scotland.

Applications are now open to the following strands of the Programme: 

Large Capital Investment - Stage 1 Application Form (.doc) - applications for between £100,000 and £2,000,000 for buildings and equipment. 

Large Scale Public Art - Stage 1 Application Form (.doc) - applications for between £100,000 and £1,000,000 for the creation of public art.

The deadline to apply to both strands is 5pm, 8 June 2012.

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